IndexedDB - multiple items for an id -

i'm trying build indexeddb application uses following (one-to-many key value pair, i.e. each id has multiple images) data structure:

var images = [{"id": "1", "img":["img1","img2","img3"]}, {"id": "1", "img":["img4","img5","img6"]}]

my question how put , using structure. examples out there either iterate through keys or have single value associated each key can get. can open cursor on get('id') method , iterate through "img" items id? here's have tried:

1) getting specific key(one-to-one mapping):

var dbget = function(id, cbget){                  var transaction = db.transaction(["images"],"readonly");     var objectstore = transaction.objectstore("images");     var request = objectstore.get(id);     request.onerror = function(event) {};     request.onsuccess = function(e) {              if(typeof( != "undefined"){                          cbget(null,null,;          }               };   }; 

2) getting keys:

var dbgetall = function(id){     var transaction = db.transaction(["images"],"readonly");     var objectstore = transaction.objectstore("images");     objectstore.opencursor().onsuccess = function(event) {     var cursor =;       if (cursor) {         //do         cursor.continue();       }           }; } 

3) how 'all' specific key (one-to-many mapping)?

found answer myself, posting here others might struggling this:

1) existing array of values given key:

function getexisting(id, object){     var existingimgarr = new array();     var transaction = db.transaction(["images"],"readonly");     var objectstore = transaction.objectstore("images");     var request = objectstore.get(id);     request.onerror = function(event) {      };     request.onsuccess = function(e) {                            if(typeof( != "undefined"){              existingimgarr = (;                     }                    dbsavewithexisting(id, object,existingimgarr);     }; 

2) second, on success callback of above, call function append existing array of vals:

function appendtoexisting(id, object, imgarr){     var transaction = db.transaction(["images"], "readwrite");            transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {};     transaction.onerror = function(event) {};      var objectstore = transaction.objectstore("images");     imgarr.push(object.value);     var data = {"id": id,              "img": imgarr     };       var request = objectstore.put(data);     request.onsuccess = function(event) {};      } 


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