javascript - Jquery Tooltipster with Validate - Warning? Non-standard document.all property was used -

i looking use jquery validate combined tooltipster in similar way example provided sparky on feb 7th '13: how display messages jquery validate plugin inside of tooltipster tooltips?

the difference being validation method via script function , not form submit. want attach tooltips class instead of whole form inputs. once validation complete function calls function.

it works shows following warning:

non-standard document.all property used. use w3c standard document.getelementbyid() instead. 

which believe document.all deprecated , not existent in future browser versions. yet don't understand why code showing warning! have eliminated other possibilities of cause withing code. think either not seeing or tooltips + validation combined libraries causing warning.

here js code:

// initialize tooltipster on text input elements     $('.valid1').tooltipster({         trigger: 'custom',         onlyone: false,         position: 'right'     });      // initialize validate plugin on form     var validator = $('#propcreate').validate({     onsubmit: false,         errorplacement: function (error, element) {             $(element).tooltipster('update', $(error).text());             $(element).tooltipster('show');         },         success: function (label, element) {             $(element).tooltipster('hide');         },         rules: {              pkg: { required: true },             tcaccept: { required: true }          },         messages: {             tcaccept: "please check acceptance of our terms.",             pkg: "please select suitable package."         },         submithandler: function (form) {           }      }); //validation // validate terms checkbox & pkg $("#btnnext").click(function () {     if (validator.form()) {         btnnextcontinued()     } }); 

does have fix/workaround or can show me going wrong?

update : following great observation sparky , helpful comments - bug in firebug cause of false positive warning. tooltipster validate radio's , checkbox validation without form submit works fine @ time.

i'm not seeing reported non-standard document.all property warning message in of the demos.

is firebug date? i reading "non-standard document.all property" warning part of firebug bug , nothing more.

the more this, more seems non-issue.


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