matlab figure - Crammed text when printing to EPS with latex interpreter -

i trying save figures eps files using latex interpreter, , command line (matlab -nojvm).

the resulting title , label text crammed , letters overlap (screenshot here: sample script replicate behavior:

hfig = figure(1); set(hfig,'visible','off')  x = 0:0.1:1;  plot(x,x)  set(gca,'fontsize',12) axis([0 1 -1 1]); xlabel('x test test','interpreter','latex');  ylabel('sin(x) blah blah','interpreter','latex');  titletextdisp = ['testing long title name']; tfig = title(titletextdisp); set(tfig, 'interpreter','latex');  %plotticklatex2d('xlabeldy',0.02);  set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto') set(hfig, 'position', [0 0 700 500]) figname = ['test.eps']; print(gcf,'-dpsc2','-painters',figname); 

the visibility of figure not affect result. i'd appreciate hints.


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