image - CSS - issue in Safari -

in smaller browser window css moves in safari appears fine in other browsers except safari

take @ in chrome firefox - compare in safari

i need or image stay in same spot no matter browser or window size used

here code im using

    <div style="z-index:10; position:absolute; margin-top:400px; margin-left:335px">     <img src="" alt="" />     </div> 

just tried option 2

i changed code follows still no luck on position other suggestions?

    <div id = 'o' style="z-index:10; position:absolute; margin-top:20%; margin-left:18%">     <img name="" src="http://shopiworeitbe.../2013/08/or.png" alt="" /></div>       #o{     height: 100%;     max-height: 100%;     overflow: auto;     width: 100%;

still not accurate

please thanks

you have better luck using pixels or ems opposed percentages. percentages dynamic , depend on viewport whereas pixels , ems static values , deliver desired results.


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