iphone - Create calendar event from inside my application -

i know there lots of questions , useful answers concerning question on web. tried add calendar event iphone calendar inside application. used code, worked:

ekeventstore *es = [[ekeventstore alloc] init]; ekeventeditviewcontroller *controller = [[ekeventeditviewcontroller alloc] init]; controller.eventstore = es; controller.editviewdelegate = self; [self presentmodalviewcontroller:controller animated:yes]; 

the thing not release calendar controller, because should have said:

[controller release] 

or main.m set autorelease:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     @autoreleasepool {           return uiapplicationmain(argc, argv, nil, nsstringfromclass([...appdelegate class]));     }    } 

and if manually release error, have change in main.m?

in target's build settings, if see objective-c automatic reference counting using arc:

enter image description here

and if using arc not responsible release object self.

i recommend read more arc, can start here, important thing should consider if want build real application.


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