iphone - Implementing countbyenumeratingwithstate for custom UICollectionviewCell -

i building app collectionview filled custom collectionviewcell.

i added button "select all/deselect all" supposed affect cell in collectionview. intended use for-loop this:

for(customcollectionviewcell* cell in self.collectionview){       // code } 

however first warning saying:

collection expression type "uicollectionview *" many not correspond "countbyenumeratingwithstage:objects:count" 

and when compile program , click on button, app crash following error message:

terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '-[uicollectionview countbyenumeratingwithstate:objects:count:]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x7973e00' 

does have idea on how solve this?

many help!

don't iterate collection view itself, rather array of cells returns calling visiblecells method on it.


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