sql - MySQL 5.6 Error 1054: Unknown column in 'field list' on INSERT -

i'm using mysql workbench create , manage comic book store database. i'm having problem inserting rows comic_issue table. problem i'm having same problem many others posted questions here none of fixes seem working me. here information on comic_title , comic_issue tables. list comic_title table because 'name' column part of composite primary key in comic_issue.

mysql> describe comic_title;  +-------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+  | field             | type        | null | key | default | |  +-------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+  | name              | varchar(45) | no   | pri | null    |       |  | creator_creatorid | int(11)     | no   | pri | null    |       |  | isactive          | tinyint(1)  | no   |     | 1       |       |  +-------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+  3 rows in set (0.01 sec)  mysql> select * comic_title; +----------+-------------------+----------+ | name     | creator_creatorid | isactive | +----------+-------------------+----------+ | avengers |                 1 |        1 | | batman   |                 2 |        1 | | ironman  |                 3 |        1 | +----------+-------------------+----------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)  mysql> describe comic_issue; +-----------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | field                 | type         | null | key | default | | +-----------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | comic_title_name      | varchar(45)  | no   | pri | null    |       | | volumenum             | int(11)      | no   | pri | null    |       | | coverdate             | date         | no   | pri | null    |       | | publisher_publisherid | int(11)      | no   | mul | null    |       | | inventoryqty          | int(11)      | no   |     | null    |       | | coverprice            | decimal(4,2) | no   |     | null    |       | | issuetitle            | varchar(45)  | yes  |     | null    |       | | synopsis              | longtext     | yes  |     | null    |       | | format                | varchar(45)  | yes  |     | null    |       | | storyarc              | varchar(45)  | yes  |     | null    |       | +-----------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

here inserts i've tried:

mysql> insert `cbdb`.`comic_issue` values ('batman', 1, '2011-11-01', (select publisherid publisher name = 'marvel'), 100, 2.99, 'the new 52!', null, null, 'court of owls');  error 1054 (42s22): unknown column 'comic_title_name' in 'field list'  mysql> insert comic_issue values ('ironman', 10, '2013-05-15', (select publisherid publisher name = 'marvel'), 100, 3.99, 'the secret origin of tony stark', null, null, 'the secret origin of tony stark');  error 1054 (42s22): unknown column 'comic_title_name' in 'field list'  mysql> insert `cbdb`.`comic_issue` values (null, 1, '2011-11-01', (select publisherid publisher name = 'marvel'), 100, 2.99, 'the new 52!', null, null, 'court of owls');  error 1048 (23000): column 'comic_title_name' cannot null 

this last error interesting. tried inserting null value (not allowed) , complained column can't null sees column. please note i've tried number of different ways, "insert comic_issue" (i.e. without backticks , without specifying database.) tried listing columns. tried putting 'batman' in double-quotes , no quotes @ all. nothing doing it. suggestions welcome.

i think trigger creates problem.so try one..

create trigger `update_mailbox` after insert on comic_issue each row  begin insert mailbox_has_comic_issue values ((select mailbox_mailboxid mailbox_has_comic_title mailbox_has_comic_title.comic_title_name = new.comic_title_name), (select mailbox_customer_customerid mailbox_has_comic_title mailbox_has_comic_title.comic_title_name = new.comic_title_name),  new.comic_title_name, new.volumenum,new.coverdate); end$$ 

two keywords unique sql statements while defining triggers i.e; old , new.

these keywords allow refer data before , after event triggers.

check once...



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