c# - How to add multiple email address receipients retrieved from MySQL? -

i'm getting error on line below :-

email = mydatareader.getvalue(i).tostring();

what i'm trying retrieve multiple email addresses mysql , send email.

based on example have found, stores in arraylist, in case gives me error.

i have on google still not able correct error.

could 1 me out please ? thanks.

  protected void searchemail () {      mysqlconnection con = new mysqlconnection("server=localhost;userid=root;password=;database=obsystem");      con.open();       mysqlcommand cmd = new mysqlcommand("select cusemail,cusfname,newbalance monthlytracker month(paymentdate)='" + mm + "' , year(paymentdate)='" + year + "'and status='" + unpaid + "'",con);       mysqldatareader mydatareader = cmd.executereader();       //arraylist list_emails = new arraylist();       int = 0;      //string email = string.empty;       list<custinfo> list_emails = new list<custinfo>();       custinfo customer;       while (mydatareader.read())         {              //list_emails.add(mydatareader.getvalue(i).tostring());//add array list             //i = i++; //increment or ++i              list_emails.add(new custinfo             {                 email = mydatareader.getvalue(0).tostring(),                 name = mydatareader.getvalue(1).tostring(),                 balance = mydatareader.getvalue(2).tostring()             });          }          con.close(); //close connection          foreach (custinfo cus in list_emails)         {              var fromaddress = new mailaddress("veolbakhda@gmail.com", "shilpesh");             var toaddress = new mailaddress(cus.email);             const string frompassword = "xxxxxxxx";             string fullsubj = "payment reminder - madu d. trading (" + month + " , " + year + ")";             //const string subject = fullsubj;             //const string body = "body";             string body1 = cus.name;             string body2 = cus.balance;             string bodyfull = body1 + body2;              var smtp = new smtpclient             {                 host = "smtp.gmail.com",                 port = 587,                 enablessl = true,                 deliverymethod = smtpdeliverymethod.network,                 usedefaultcredentials = false,                 credentials = new networkcredential(fromaddress.address, frompassword)             };              using (var message = new mailmessage(fromaddress, toaddress)             {                 subject = fullsubj,                 body = bodyfull             })             {                 smtp.send(message);             }         } } 

you declare variable email int

int = 0, email = 0; 

and try store string:

email = mydatareader.getvalue(0).tostring(); 

declare variable email string:

string email = string.empty; 

and don't need variable:

int = 0 


i = + 1 - 1; //increment or ++i  

can removed

edit after comment: create class customer information. don't know how fields called, cusname , balance, this:

public class custinfo { public string email {get; set;} public string name  {get; set;} public string balance {get; set;} }   protected void searchemail () {  mysqlconnection con = new mysqlconnection("server=localhost;userid=root;password=;database=obsystem");  con.open();   mysqlcommand cmd = new mysqlcommand("select cusemail, cusname, balance monthlytracker , month(paymentdate)='" + mm + "' , year(paymentdate)='" + year + "'and status='" + unpaid + "'",con);   mysqldatareader mydatareader = cmd.executereader();   list<custinfo> list_emails = new list<custinfo>();   custinfo customer;   while (mydatareader.read())     {         list_emails.add(new custinfo {                           email = mydatareader.getvalue(0).tostring(),                           name =  mydatareader.getvalue(1).tostring(),                           balance = mydatareader.getvalue(2).tostring()                          });     }      con.close(); //close connection        foreach (custinfo customer in list_emails)      {          mailmessage mail = new mailmessage();          mail.to.add(customer.email);          mail.subject = "welcome c#";          mail.from = new mailaddress("");          mail.body = "test";          // add values customer object mail => fe: mail.body.replace("$$name$$", customer.name);          smtpclient smtp = new smtpclient("smtp server");          smtp.send(mail);   } } 


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