Does the version of IE included with Windows Mobile 6.1 support "new tab" or "new window"? -

i'm developing small web app using (vb). windows mobile 6.1 browser support "new tab"? how "new window"?

here's code i'm using:

<img src="image/specs.jpg"      style="cursor: hand;"      title="define serial number"      onclick="javascript:'dialog_window.aspx?p=request_line_specs.aspx&appid=<%=appid.text%>&linenum=<%#databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "linenum")%>&apptype=<%=apptype.text%>&itemcode=<%#databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "itemcode")%>&t=define serials', 'scroll:no; status:no; address: no; dialogwidth: 700px; dialogheight: 500px;')" /> 

the version of internet explorer came windows mobile platforms not support tab browsing.

tab browsing came out around ie 8, , widows mobile includes cut down version of ...ie6, believe.

so, basically, tab browsing not developed yet.

to knowledge, cut down version of ie in windows mobile not support opening link in new window, either.

hope answers question.


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