java - Play Framework ManyToMany Association Access -

i have following 2 models in project:

@entity public class reports extends model{     @id     @generatedvalue     public int id;     @manytomany(cascade = cascadetype.all)     public list<tags> tags; 


@entity public class tags extends model{     @id     public string name;     @manytomany(cascade = cascadetype.all)     public reports reports; 

since these 2 entities have @manytomany association, play! automatically creates table in postgresql database:

create table reports_tags (   reports_id                     integer not null,   tags_name                      varchar(255) not null,   constraint pk_reports_tags primary key (reports_id, tags_name)) ; 

and here sample data of reports_tags should like:

reports_id     tags_name      1            pie      1            bar      1            line      3            plot      3            bar      4            scattered      4            plot 

what i'm having problem want find reports tags_name = 'bar'

so "query" call, should reports id 1 , 3.

using conventional way of

ebean.find(reports.class)     .where()     .eq("tags_name", "bar")     .findlist() 

won't work because there no such fields tags_name in reports model/table

i don't know code make query call since experience ebean little.

i have never worked play! framework, far understand part of contains jpa implementation. in jpa when querying should refer java entity field name, not column in table itself, i.e. query should

ebean.find(reports.class) .where() .eq("", "bar") .findlist() 

you can refer examples in beginning of javadoc here

hope helps


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