backbone.js - Backbone.validation not working on save -

i have simple model using backbone.validations plugin.

var locationmodel = backbone.model.extend({ validation: {      location_name: {          required   : true,          msg        : 'a name required location'     } } // end validation });  var test = new locationmodel(); test.url = 'http://link-goes-here';; 

it appears on save event, it's going ahead , saving empty model though attribute "location_name" required?

i did bunch of testing , way consistently not send request creating defaults on model:

var locationmodel = backbone.model.extend({     defaults: {         location_name: null     },     validation: {         location_name: {             required: true,             msg: 'a name required location'         }     } // end validation });  var test = new locationmodel(); test.on('validated', function() {     console.log(arguments); }); test.url = '/echo/json';; 

here's fiddle. if comment out defaults, sends request initially, though validated event saying it's invalid. , fires validated again without sending request.


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