c# - My code is not giving the desired output -
my text file has following information
names date of birth date of joining bella swan 01/18/1986 12/12/2012 edward cullen 10/13/1983 05/08/2013 jacob black 10/18/1981 12/12/2012 carlisle cullen 05/08/1953 12/16/1998 alice cullen 01/18/1986 09/09/2009
if user enters date, records relevant date should pulled up. user enters date 01/18/1986 display shows following details:
bella swan 01/18/1986 12/12/2012 alice cullen 01/18/1986 09/09/2009
if user enters date 12/12/2012
bella swan 01/18/1986 12/12/2012 jacob black 10/18/1981 12/12/2012
the guidelines need abide not work jagged arrays, linq, list, exception, etc.
i don't know how above output. tried didn't work.
static void main() { console.writeline("enter date"); string date = console.readline(); string line = null; filestream fs = new filestream("scheduler.txt", filemode.open,fileaccess.read); streamreader reader = new streamreader(fs); { while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { if (line.contains(date)) { console.writeline(date); break; // stop } } } }
why doing this?
you need print whole line:
why doing this?
break; // stop
you're stopping prematurely before you've read whole file; remove continue looping until reach end of file.
other possible problem: did check make sure input valid date? 1 way this:
datetime valid; if(!datetime.tryparse(date, "mm/dd/yyyy", cultureinfo.invariantculture)) { // handle invalid date format }
beyond that, pretty start. you're on right approach.
however, question terribly posed. next time, state actual, concrete problem you're having. might find articulating issue understand own code better can find mistakes yourself. example, if had said:
i have code, it's printing date user input , stopping....
you might have looked @ code , wondered why case. , might have noticed have console.writeline(date)
, gone ha! , maybe, maybe, same break
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