python 3.x - How do I create a critical error message using PySide? -

i seem hitting brick wall. no matter do, creating critical error message box doesn't seem working. here's i've tried far:

flags = qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.abort flags |= qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.ignore  result = qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(     self,     'critical error',     'error message',     flags     ) 

as taken this tutorial (old know, it's been helpful far). doing however, brings following error:

'pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.critical' called wrong argument types:

pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(createmessage, str, standardbuttons)

supported signatures:

pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(pyside.qtgui.qwidget, unicode, unicode, pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbuttons = qmessagebox.ok, pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton = nobutton)

pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(pyside.qtgui.qwidget, unicode, unicode, pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton, pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton)

i've tried following:

result = qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(     self,     'critical error',     'error message',     qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.abort     )  # or this....  result = qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(     self,     'critical error',      'error message',     qtgui.qmessagebox.abort     ) 

none of these seem work properly. how create critical error message box?

here's example qt.gitorious.

from pyside import qtgui, qtcore import sys  class dialog(qtgui.qdialog):     message = qtcore.qt_tr_noop("<p>message boxes have caption, text, , "                                 "three buttons, each standard or custom texts.</p>"                                 "<p>click button or press esc.</p>")      def __init__(self, parent=none):         qtgui.qdialog.__init__(self, parent)         self.criticallabel = qtgui.qlabel()         self.criticallabel.setframestyle(qtgui.qframe.sunken | qtgui.qframe.panel)         self.criticalbutton = qtgui.qpushbutton("qmessagebox.critica&l()"))          layout = qtgui.qgridlayout()         layout.addwidget(self.criticalbutton, 10, 0)         layout.addwidget(self.criticallabel, 10, 1)         self.setlayout(layout)          self.connect(self.criticalbutton, qtcore.signal("clicked()"), self.criticalmessage)       def criticalmessage(self):             reply = qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(self,"qmessagebox.showcritical()"),                                                dialog.message, qtgui.qmessagebox.abort|                                                qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.retry|                                                qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.ignore)         if reply == qtgui.qmessagebox.abort:             self.criticallabel.settext("abort"))         elif reply == qtgui.qmessagebox.retry:             self.criticallabel.settext("retry"))         else:             self.criticallabel.settext("ignore"))  if __name__ == '__main__':       app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     dialog = dialog()     sys.exit(dialog.exec_())         

to answer question you can check documentation:

static pyside.qtgui.qmessagebox.critical(parent, title, text[, buttons=qmessagebox.ok[, defaultbutton=nobutton]]) 

in example, parent = self, title ="qmessagebox.showcritical()"), text = dialog.message, buttons = qtgui.qmessagebox.abort | qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.retry | qtgui.qmessagebox.standardbutton.ignore

the tr qt function set translations, string. can't tell did wrong, looking @ error message, seems have parsed things wrong. possibly because of way assigned values flags.

the example shows how deal result of critical dialog, seems useful.


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