textarea - Remove single attribute from element multiple times using jQuery -

here's code far:

<script src="http://.../jquery/1.7.1/..."></script>  <script> $(document).ready(function(){     $('textarea').removeattr('style'); }); </script> 

<form>     <tr><td>     <textarea name="comment" cols="18" rows="4" style=""></textarea>     </td></tr> </form> 

i put blank style tag first see if works, does, using .ready removes initially.

when drag corner of textarea enlarge it, produces new style="xyz"

my question is: how can repeat function, automatically, every time attribute style="xyz" shows up? resetting default cols="18" rows="4" size specified.

(sorry if might simple answer, i'm not js/jq yet.)

no need js that, just

<textarea name="comment" cols="18" rows="4" style="resize:none"></textarea> 


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