excel - Find value from one cell, copy value from cell near to that cell and paste it to another sheet -

i have 2 sheets different values. need find value 1 cell.sheet1 in sheet2 , copy value nextcell_in_the_same_row.sheet1 nextcell_in_the_same_row.sheet2. difficult explain let @ example bellow.

e.g. before

first sheet:     b 1 aaa 123     2 bbb 456 3 ccc 789 4 ddd 122 second sheet:     b 1 aaa 2 ada  3 cca  4 ccc 


first sheet:     b 1 aaa 123     2 bbb 456 3 ccc 789 4 ddd 122 second sheet:     b 1 aaa *need find value in first sheet , copy value b2 because aaa in a1* 2 ada *value not exist in first sheet copy nothing* 3 cca *not need copy because no value in first sheet* 4 ccc *need copy value b3* 

thank much!

use vlookup along iferror.

=iferror(vlookup(a1, sheet1!a:b, 2, 0), "") 

this described (well described, way!) in question. drag formula down in sheet2 till bottom.

vlookup takes value of a1 in sheet 2 (no sheet reference because value in same sheet formula) , looks in column of sheet1.

it returns second value (hence why 2) of table selected in formula (column 1, column b 2).

the 0 tells vlookup exact matches. don't need approximate match here.

and ifferror there in case vlookup doesn't find (like ada) , instead of giving #n/a, returns empty cell, "".


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