ios - EXC_BAD_ACCESS with ARC. -

i not how debug error. know happening somewhere in uiscrollview when add new data array using function arraybyaddingobjectsfromarray , try populate data scrollview.

so goes this:

when scroll bottom of page calls function:

-(void)scrollviewdidscroll: (uiscrollview*)scrollview {     float scrollviewheight = scrollview.frame.size.height;     float scrollcontentsizeheight = scrollview.contentsize.height;     float scrolloffset = scrollview.contentoffset.y;      if (scrolloffset == 0)     {         // @ top     }     else if (scrolloffset + scrollviewheight == scrollcontentsizeheight)     {         [_scrollviewoutlet scrollrecttovisible:cgrectinset([scrollview bounds], 10, 10) animated:no];          // @ end         startingpoint += 36;         nslog(@"reached bottom of feed");          if([lastpressedbutton isequaltostring:@"top"]){             [self todaystoppressed:self];         }          if([lastpressedbutton isequaltostring:@"latest"]){             [self latestpressed:self];         }      } } 

startingpoint integer used in latest pressed function.

- (ibaction)todaystoppressed:(id)sender {     nsstring *startpointstring = [@(startingpoint) stringvalue];              _loadingimage.hidden = no;         [photo getlatestphotosfromgallery:@"yes" islatest:@"no" atstartingpoint:startpointstring andamountofphotos:@"36" ispoints:@"yes"];  } 

getlatestphotosfromgallery in model accesses server , gets json feed of latest photos , stores userdefaults sends nsnotificationcenter notification viewcontroller.

[[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]  postnotificationname:@"feednotification"  object:self]; 

it runs nsnotificationcenter , populates images:

this crashes:

- (void) populateimages {      dispatch_queue_t myqueue = dispatch_queue_create("my queue",null);     dispatch_async(myqueue, ^{      cgfloat contentsizewidth = 0.0;     cgsize newsize = _scrollviewoutlet.frame.size;      nsarray *images_array = [properties objectforkey:@"feedarray"];          cgrect newframe = _firstimage.frame;      for(int = startingpoint; < [images_array count]; i++){              nsdata *archiveddata = [nskeyedarchiver archiveddatawithrootobject:_firstimage];             uibutton *button = [nskeyedunarchiver unarchiveobjectwithdata: archiveddata];             [button addtarget:self action:@selector(imagepressed:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside];             button.tag = i+1;                nslog(@"i mod 3: %i", % 3);          int xposi = 0;          if(i % 2 == 0){             xposi = 0;         } else {             xposi = 1;             newframe.origin.y += 20+button.frame.size.width;         }              newframe.origin.x = (20+button.frame.size.width) * xposi;              //contentsizewidth = (20+button.frame.size.width) * xposi;             contentsizewidth = (button.frame.size.width);              [button setframe:newframe];              if(i < [images_array count]){                 nsdictionary *images_d = [images_array objectatindex:i];                 nsstring *images_d_image_string = [images_d objectforkey:@"pthumb"];                 nsnumber *images_id = [images_d objectforkey:@"pid"];                  nsstring *images_id_string = images_id;                  nslog(@"image_id: %@", images_id_string);                  nsstring *documentsdirectory = [utils getdocumentsdirectorypath];                  uiimage *image = [utils loadimage:images_id_string oftype:@"jpg" indirectory:documentsdirectory];                  nsstring  *jpgfile = [[utils getdocumentsdirectorypath] stringbyappendingstring:images_id_string];                 jpgfile = [jpgfile stringbyappendingstring:@".jpg"];                  nslog(@"jpgfile: %@", jpgfile);                  bool fileexists = no;                 if([[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] fileexistsatpath:jpgfile]){                     fileexists = yes;                     nslog(@"image named %@ exists", images_id_string);                 } else {                     fileexists = no;                     //                 }                   if([[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] fileexistsatpath:jpgfile]){                         dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                     [[button imageview] setimage:image];                     [button setimage:image forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];                     [button setimage:image forstate:uicontrolstateselected];                     [[button imageview] setcontentmode: uiviewcontentmodescaleaspectfit];                         });                 } else {                     uiimage *imagetoset = [utils getimagefromurl:images_d_image_string];                         dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                     [button setimage:imagetoset forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];                     [button setimage:imagetoset forstate:uicontrolstateselected];                     [[button imageview] setcontentmode: uiviewcontentmodescaleaspectfit];                     [[button imageview] setimage:imagetoset];                         });                     [utils saveimage:imagetoset withfilename:images_id_string oftype:@"jpg" indirectory:[utils getdocumentsdirectorypath]];                 }                      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                         [button setalpha:1.0f];                     });             } else {                     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                         [button setalpha:0.2f];                         button.userinteractionenabled = no;                         [button.imageview setcontentmode:uiviewcontentmodescaleaspectfit];                 //[button sizetofit];                     });             }              dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{             [_scrollviewoutlet addsubview:button];             });                 if(i % 4 == 0){                 newsize.height+=20+button.frame.size.width;                 }     }           newsize.width = contentsizewidth;               dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                  [_scrollviewoutlet setcontentsize:newsize];                 _loadingimage.hidden = yes;             });      });    } 


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