ServiceStack: Impossible to use SOAP with custom namespace when AuthFeature is enabled? -

i have need host couple soap12 messages in current ss webapi. have set of namespaces according rules , works expected, extent. can use multiple tools send soap service(s) , work. have added them service reference in visual studio project work; @ least until add authfeature. add authfeature or other native ss service, can no longer add service reference.

my investigation has lead me namespace difference between datacontract(s) in servicestack.serviceinterface.auth namespace used in authservice. don't want limited authservice though, same applicable when swaggerfeature added , resources service set up.

it imperative these 2 messages available in soap , client must have ability add them service reference consume them.

my question: there way set datacontract namespace(s) native ss services keep namespace consistent our datacontract namespace? understand "could" compile , maintain own version of ss have ability change contractnamespace attributes of causing issues cause lot of undo pain in maintenance when attempting keep ss updated original source.

i realize attributes ([datacontract]) compile time constants , when servicestack compiled namespace getting set. looking alternatives...

taken apphost:

setconfig( new endpointhostconfig             {                 metadatatypesconfig = new servicestack.common.servicemodel.metadatatypesconfig(                     adddefaultxmlnamespace: ),                 wsdlservicenamespace =,                 wsdlsoapactionnamespace =,                 //wsdlservicetypesnamespace             } ); 

taken assemblyinfo:

[assembly: contractnamespace( "foo", clrnamespace = "mvcapplication1.serviceinterface" )] 

there "hack" reversed, buildin services default namespace 

so instead of trying use own namespace, use namespace.


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