statistical moments in R -

i've got data set in r of variable, repeated 10,000 times , sampled 200 times on each repeat 10,000 200 matrix, calculate statistical moments variable arbitrary number. in end numeric vector holding value of moments.

i can variance , mean data set using colmean , colvar, go far.

i aware of moments package in r, using all.moments command returning me moments each time course, or treating each column or row individual variable, not want.

does know equivalent colmean , colvar higher order moments? , if possible cross moments?

many thanks!

i stole code obscure r package e1071:

theskew<- function (x) { x<-as.vector(x)  sum((x-mean(x))^3)/(length(x)*sd(x)^3)  } thekurt <- function (x) { x<-as.vector(x)   sum((x-mean(x))^4)/(length(x)*var(x)^2) - 3   } 

you can fold code feeding them 1 column @ time


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