c# - Flatten List<string[]> into single string with one line for each element -

i have instance of type list<string[]> convert string each string[] on newline. i'm using following linq query flatten out list i'm not sure how can add new line between each string[] without expanding query far more ugly. there way without gutting query , using string.join or ienumberable.aggregate inside foreach loop?

results.selectmany(x => x).aggregate((c, n) => c + ", " + n) 

string.join(environment.newline, results.select(a => string.join(", ", a))); 

complete sample:

var results = new list<string[]> {     new[]{"this", "should", "be", "on"},     new[]{"other", "line"} };  var result = string.join(environment.newline,                           results.select(a => string.join(", ", a))); 


this, should, be, on other, line 

update here aggregation done right - uses stringbuilder build single string in memory

results.aggregate(new stringbuilder(),                   (sb, a) => sb.appendline(string.join(",", a)),                   sb => sb.tostring()); 


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