c# - UserControl Dependency Property design time -

i'm creating simple user control in wpf contains textblock inside button.

<usercontrol x:class="wpfexpansion.mybutton"..... >     <grid >         <button background="transparent" >             <textblock text="{binding path=text}"/>         </button>     </grid> </usercontrol> 

and "text" dependency property.

public partial class mybutton : usercontrol {     public mybutton()     {         initializecomponent();         this.datacontext = this;              }      public string text     {         { return (string)getvalue(textproperty); }         set { setvalue(textproperty, value); }     }     public static readonly dependencyproperty textproperty =         dependencyproperty.register("text", typeof(string), typeof(mybutton), new propertymetadata(string.empty));  } 

and use usercontrol this:

<mybutton text="test" /> 

the problem visual studio design not change, works in runtime.

what wrong?

i tried

datacontext="{binding relativesource={relativesource self}}" 

inside uc definition, without success.

try using frameworkpropertymetadata instead of propertymetadata, specifying affectsrender below, restart visual studio:

public static readonly dependencyproperty textproperty =     dependencyproperty.register("text", typeof(string), typeof(mybutton),         new frameworkpropertymetadata(string.empty,             frameworkpropertymetadataoptions.affectsrender)); 

msdn documentation frameworkpropertymetadataoptions.affectsrender says

some aspect of rendering or layout composition (other measure or arrange) affected value changes dependency property.

for other cases, there options affectsmeasure, affectsarrange, etc.


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