ios - Delegate Method failing to call when tested with If statement, but calls correctly without If statement -

i have if statement checking if delegate has implemented given method:

    if ([[self delegate] respondstoselector:@selector(didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:)]) {         [self.delegate didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:self withnotification:notification];  } 

however code not getting executed within if statement. have other delegate calls working between these objects and if remove if statement , call

[self.delegate didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:self withnotification:notification]; 

on own works!

my delegate implement correctly:

- (void)didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:(notificationdialogview *)dialogview withnotification:(notificationcontext *)setnotification{     nslog(@"notification is: %@", setnotification); } 

so doing wrong?

the name of method wrong. should didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:withnotification:.

try this:

 if ([[self delegate] respondstoselector:@selector(didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:withnotification:)]) {     [self.delegate didfinishsettingnotificationondialog:self withnotification:notification]; } 


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