javascript - RequireJS doesn't work on a multipage project with CDN hosted libraries (jQuery) -

i'm using requirejs on multipage project, javascript folder structure looks kinda (how make fancy dir trees again in markdown?):

common.js lib/ -- jquery-1.9.1.min.js -- modernizr-2.6.2.min.js -- underscore-amd.min.js page/ -- index.js -- start.js -- checkout.js 

anyway, common.js main script file set configuration parameters. looks like:

common.js file

// configure requirejs requirejs.config({     baseurl: "assets/js/lib",     paths: {         page: '../page',         jquery: [             '//',             //if cdn location fails, load location             'jquery-1.9.1.min'         ],         modernizr: [             '//',             //if cdn location fails, load location             'modernizr-2.6.2.min'         ],         underscore: [             'underscore-amd.min'         ]     } }); 

all page calls work expected (with cdn location being loaded), can't head around minification part. r.js optimizer refuses cooperate, throwing error: paths fallback not supported in optimizer. please provide build config path override underscore though underscore doesn't have cdn specified.

build.js file

{     appdir: '../www',     baseurl: 'js/lib',     dir: '../www-built',     mainconfigfile: '../www/assets/js/common.js',     modules: [         //first set common build layer.         {             //module names relative baseurl             name: '../common',             include: ['jquery',                       'modernizr',                       'underscore'             ]         },         // page scripts         {             //module names relative baseurl/paths config             name: '../page-index',             include: ['page/index'],             exclude: ['../common']         },     ],     paths: {         jquery: "empty",         modernizr: "empty"     },     optimize: "uglify2",     removecombined: true } 

please me figure out how build project create common.js script along individual page scripts.

(note: based structure of build.js file on this example


i've updated question include correct syntax empty: (thanks travis!), , build runs without error. however, js files not concatenated or uglified. css files are, @ import points, something's happening. complete build.js file below (forgive me, she's tall one):

{     appdir: '../www',     baseurl: 'assets/js', // relative appdir     dir: '../www-built',     mainconfigfile: '../www/assets/js/common.js',     modules: [         //first set common build layer.         {             //module names relative baseurl             name: 'common',             //list common dependencies here. need list             //top level dependencies, "include" find             //nested dependencies.             include: ['jquery',                       'modernizr',                       'underscore',                       'bootstrap'             ]         },          //now set build layer each page, exclude         //the common one. "exclude" exclude nested         //the nested, built dependencies "common".         //"exclude" includes built modules should         //listed before build layer wants exclude it.         //"include" appropriate "app/main*" module since default         //it not added build since loaded nested         //require in page*.js files.         {             //module names relative baseurl/paths config             name: 'pages/home',             include: ['pages/home'],             exclude: ['common']         },         {             //module names relative baseurl/paths config             name: 'pages/start',             include: ['pages/start'],             exclude: ['common']         },         {             //module names relative baseurl/paths config             name: 'pages/checkout',             include: ['pages/checkout'],             exclude: ['common']         },     ],     paths: {         jquery: "empty:",         modernizr: "empty:" //        underscore: "empty:"     },     optimize: "uglify2",     optimizecss: "standard",     removecombined: true,     preservelicensecomments: false } 

final update (yaay! it's working)

thanks travis below, working great! (the files getting minified , concatenated). since solution hosted on dropbox, , lost in future (who knows amirite?), i'll sum fixes made:

1. don't mix define , require calls in single file.

i had couple of files i'd mixed them so:


 define(['jquery','underscore'],function($,_) {       ...  });   require(['jquery','page/start'], function($, y) { // bad!       ...  }); 

and fix this:


 require(['jquery','app/start_helper'], function($, y) {       ...  }); 


 define(['jquery','underscore'],function($,_) {       ...  }); 

2. it's "empty:" not "empty"

that's tricky one, though requirejs docs mention them.

3. because

what kind of list has 2 bullet points?

awesomelicious - works charm :)

looks requirejs thinks you're trying provide paths fallback underscore, since you're specifying path value array. try doing string instead.

paths: {     underscore: 'underscore-amd.min' } 

also note correct symbol empty paths empty: (with ':') not empty.

finally, unrelated side note @ lodash imho more customizable, cross-browser compliant, faster underscore replacement identical api , it's hosted on cdnjs , amd-compliant


following on conversation within comments, here's updated version of project:

as mentioned in comments, problem seemed defineing modules within same file requiring modules in, , believe causing r.js believe these modules had no main entry point. convention separate out module definitions files require modules.

notice there's app folder under assets/js each module used defined within page modules stored. page modules require these modules in. when re-ran r.js (using uglify2 optimizer) seemed work expected.

furthermore, removed redundancy build.js file (you have specify baseurl in mainconfigfile if that's 1 you're using build configuration well). finally, may want using shim config if want attach jquery , bootstrap globally every page. otherwise should explicitly list them dependencies when need them.

finally 1 last piece of advice may want @ cutting down on number of require within each file. of pages wrap in 1 require call , separate out different logic functions save space on event queue , cycles of having redundantly call require function.


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