web services - Android App integration with other websites -

i student of android. aim develop android apps talk different websites , exchange/process/return data. not sure should starting point.

coming backend development can put layout backend development follows

a) understand relational db concepts

b) sql

c) plsql

d) procedures/functions

e) solve realworld problems ....etc

similarly can tell me should starting point learning android integration.

http or web services or rest api or json/xml or else

all these terms new me , when googled/wikied terms can (kinda) grasp mean not able see big picture how fit etc...wrt integrating app website.

tldr.what should starting point learning android integration ?.

ps : if wrong forum, let me know forum post on. !!!

your question general, , there no clear answer it, , not ready build real app unless can answer own, need know more each term of above, question "what best practice?"

you can start below:

ibm: using xml , json android

xml vs json based web services: best choice?

xml vs json parsing in android

json or xml in android

by way many developers prefere json, because json simpler xml/soap , has less overhead, , payload smaller xml representation, beside android has json parseing apis.


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