Disable latex symbol conversion in vim -

the vim editor on kubuntu 13.04 laptop seems have advance feature latex edting, i.e. can convert latex symbols unicode chars on fly , hide source code when cursor not on line.

this may great function people, find bit annoying. not sure whether built-in or provided extension, hope can find out way disable it.

my vim version 7.4b, list of extensions installed:

clang_complete emmet-vim html-autoclosetag neocomplete.vim neosnippet tabular tagbar tlib_vim unite.vim vim-addon-mw-utils vim-airline vim-colorschemes vim-colors-solarized vim-commentary vim-easymotion vim-eunuch vim-fugitive vim-repeat vimrepress vim-r-plugin vim-snippets vim-surround vim-table-mode vim-unimpaired vundle 

cursor not on math line cursor on math line

this functionality provided vim's "conceal" feature.

vim's tex plugin takes advantage of "conceal" if have set 'conceallevel' 2. see :h ft-tex-syntax.

leave 'conceallevel' @ default value of 0 disable concealing.

alternatively, put following line in vimrc.

let g:tex_conceal = "" 


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