javascript - Ace Editor and meteor for collaborative code editing: Observe hangs app -

i trying make basic collaborative code editor in meteor using ace editor. javascript follows: var file meteor.startup(function(){

        session.set("file", "fileid");         var query = files.find({_id : session.get("fileid")});          var handle = query.observe({                   changed : function(newdoc, olddoc) {               if(editor !== undefined){                 console.log("doc changed ", olddoc.contents, "to ",  newdoc.contents);                 editor.setvalue(newdoc.contents);               }               handle.stop();             }         });               editor.getsession().on('change', function(e) {         // update file collection         if(session.get('file')) {             files.update({_id: session.get("file")},                { $set :                  {                    contents : editor.getvalue()                 }               });         }     });       }); 

the editor able update database without ado, however, query handles observing changes , setting document new value hangs , doesn't anything. what's issue? or in general what's better way solve problem (of making ace editor collaborative using meteor...assuming want code myself..and not use meteorite or something)


using ace editor directly meteor result in laggy operations , clunky interactions between users unless write , debug whole lot of code.

another approach attach sharejs stack meteor, because integrates ace. in fact, ended doing after looking @ other ways collaborative editing in meteor:

there (out-of-date) demo here:


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