objective c - Using "tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath" in tandem with prepareForSegue -

i have project utilizing storyboards uses uitableview in tandem navigation controller. layout similar apple's ios address book there table of objects, , clicking on cell pushes view onto navcontroller objects's details (properties). having trouble using prepareforsegue method in harmony table view's didselectrowatindex. need way prepareforsegue know row passed in didselectrowatindex can pass it's properties detail view controller being pushed since prepareforsegue gets called before didselectrowatindex does. if possible still use storyboard segue if there isn't way can progamatically push/pop. there question similar on stackoverflow never answered, kind of rambled on.

if know work-around please let me know, thank you!

you can not use didselectrowatindexpath: @ all. can index path in prepareforsegue: this:

uitableviewcell *cell = (uitableviewcell*) sender; nsindexpath *indexpath = [self.tableview indexpathforcell:cell]; 


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