c++ - std::vector.push_back() throwing badalloc exception -

i started writing lexer, , made following file test far working okay:


#include <iostream> #include "lexer.h" #include "token.h"  int main(void) {     std::string str(""); // i'll use test expressions     lexer lexer(str);     std::vector<token> tokens = lexer.lex();     for(auto = tokens.begin(); != tokens.end(); ++it)     {         std::string str;         switch(it->type)         {         case tokentype::_eof:             str = "eof";             break;         case tokentype::error:             str = "error";             break;         case tokentype::semicolon:             str = "semicolon";             break;         case tokentype::plus:             str = "plus";             break;         case tokentype::less_than:             str = "less_than";             break;         case tokentype::greater_than:             str = "greater_than";             break;         case tokentype::int:             str = "int";             break;         case tokentype::id:             str = "id";             break;         case tokentype::whitespace:             str = "whitespace";             break;         default:             str = "<unknown token>";         }         std::cout << str << ", detail='" << it->detail << "'" << std::endl;     }     return 0; } 

the line lexer.lex() throws exception. looking in lexer.h:

std::vector<token> lexer::lex(void) {     // reset input pointer     inputptr = 0;     updatecurrentchar();     // read tokens until eof     std::vector<token> tokens;     token *token = nullptr;         {         token = getnext();         tokens.push_back(*token);     } while(token->type != tokentype::_eof);     return tokens; } 

the line tokens.push_back(*token) throwing exception:

exception details

i tried looking @ info on push_back() here, , saw that:

if reallocation happens, storage allocated using container's allocator, may throw exceptions on failure (for default allocator, bad_alloc thrown if allocation request not succeed).

this seems problem, don't understand why allocation request wouldn't succeed.

for completeness, here files:


#pragma once #include <string>  enum class tokentype {     _eof,     error,     equals,     semicolon,     plus,     less_than,     greater_than,     int,     id,     whitespace };  struct token {     tokentype type;     std::string detail; }; 


#pragma once #include <string> #include <vector> #include "token.h"  class lexer { public:     lexer(std::string);     ~lexer(void);     std::vector<token> lex(void); private:     token* getnext(void);     void updatecurrentchar(void);     void increment(void);     bool matchcurrent(char);     bool iswhitespace(char) const;     bool isdigit(char) const;     bool isletter(char) const;     bool islowercaseletter(char) const;     bool isuppercaseletter(char) const;     std::string readwhitespace(void);     std::string readint(void);     std::string readid(void);     std::string input;     int inputptr;     char currentchar;     const char eof_char; }; 


#include "lexer.h"  lexer::lexer(std::string _input)     : input(_input), eof_char(-1) {  }  lexer::~lexer(void) { }  std::vector<token> lexer::lex(void) {     // reset input pointer     inputptr = 0;     updatecurrentchar();     // read tokens until eof     std::vector<token> tokens;     token *token = nullptr;         {         token = getnext();         tokens.push_back(*token);     } while(token->type != tokentype::_eof);     return tokens; }  void lexer::updatecurrentchar(void) {     currentchar = inputptr < input.length()         ? input[inputptr]         : eof_char; }  void lexer::increment(void) {     inputptr++;     updatecurrentchar(); }  bool lexer::matchcurrent(char tomatch) {     if(tomatch == currentchar)     {         increment();         return true;     }     return false; }  token* lexer::getnext(void) {     token token;     if(iswhitespace(currentchar))     {         token.type = tokentype::whitespace;         token.detail = readwhitespace();         return &token;     }     if(isdigit(currentchar))     {         token.type = tokentype::int;         token.detail = readint();         return &token;     }     if(isletter(currentchar))     {         token.type = tokentype::id;         token.detail = readid();         return &token;     }     if(currentchar == eof_char)     {         token.type = tokentype::_eof;         return &token;     }     switch(currentchar)     {     case ';':         token.type = tokentype::semicolon;     case '=':         token.type = tokentype::equals;     case '<':         token.type = tokentype::less_than;     case '>':         token.type = tokentype::greater_than;     case '+':         token.type = tokentype::plus;     default:         token.type = tokentype::error;         token.detail = currentchar;     }     increment();     return &token; }  std::string lexer::readwhitespace(void) {     std::string ws;     while(iswhitespace(currentchar))     {         ws += currentchar;         increment();     }     return ws; }  std::string lexer::readint(void) {     std::string ws;     while(isdigit(currentchar))     {         ws += currentchar;         increment();     }     return ws; }  std::string lexer::readid(void) {     std::string ws;     while(iswhitespace(currentchar))     {         ws += currentchar;         increment();     }     return ws; }  bool lexer::isdigit(char c) const {     return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }  bool lexer::isletter(char c) const {     return islowercaseletter(c)         || isuppercaseletter(c); }  bool lexer::islowercaseletter(char c) const {     return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; }  bool lexer::isuppercaseletter(char c) const {     return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; }  bool lexer::iswhitespace(char c) const {     switch(c)     {     case ' ':     case '\n':     case '\t':     case '\r':         return true;     default:         return false;     } } 

the problem in getnext return pointer local variable. remember when function returns local variables destructed , pointer points destructed object. or, since local variables on stack , stack reused between function calls, can point different. result of dereferencing invalid pointer leads undefined behavior, , it's common undefined behavior cause crashes, may seem work data screwed up.

the obvious solution of course return copy of object, i.e. don't use pointers (which tip in general).


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