commandButton with ajax=false using primefaces-mobile doesn't navigate correctly -

i noticed commandbutton ajax=false not working in primefaces mobile. want make non-ajax call navigate different url when user press button. if remove ajax=false, hits bean manager class not navigate different page. fix this?

ui:composition template="/mobile/templates/masterlayout.xhtml"     xmlns=""     xmlns:f=""     xmlns:h=""     xmlns:ui=""     xmlns:p=""     xmlns:cc=""     xmlns:pm="">     <ui:define name="center">         <pm:page title="test">             <pm:view id="main">                 <pm:header title="test" swatch="b" />                 <pm:content>                     <p:messages />                     <h:form id="mainform" prependid="false">                         <p:inputtext id="title" value="#{bean.title}"                             required="true" label="title" />                         <p:inputtext id="wbusername"                             value="#{bean.creator}" required="true"                             label="user name" />                         <p:commandbutton id="dialogbutton" value="create" ajax="false"                             actionlistener="#{bean.create}">                         </p:commandbutton>                     </h:form>                 </pm:content>             </pm:view>         </pm:page>  </ui:composition> 


i have replaced p:commandbutton h:commandbutton , able hit managed bean function, not forwarding url suppose to.


 public string create(){                     return "pretty:newpage";     } 


 <url-mapping id="newpage">         <pattern value="/test/"/>         <view-id value="/views/test.jsf"/>     </url-mapping> 

it seems there bug in primefaces mobile tags causes navigation fail: see example app here: - can see. application navigation works non-mobile tags, prime-faces mobile tags, navigation fails. i've notified primefaces devs of issue.


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