How to remove Single Remote notification in iphone -

i developing game have support of server side push notification of score , winning notification, user game request.

all working fine notification read , response store device side. when notification pushing notification center. when click on notification @ time remove push notification notification center following code:

[[uiapplication sharedapplication] setapplicationiconbadgenumber:1]; [[uiapplication sharedapplication] setapplicationiconbadgenumber:0]; [[uiapplication sharedapplication] cancelalllocalnotifications]; 

but want remove selected remote notification notification center.

is there way remove single remote notification.please me.

thanks in advance.

to cancel local notifications

if have means obtain reference specific uilocalnotification instance want cancel, can call cancellocalnotification: on it.

try traversing scheduled notifications in order obtain reference going through:

nsarray *schedulednotifications = [[uiapplication sharedapplication] scheduledlocalnotifications]; 

to cancel remote notifications

this entirely server, can't done without proper api on server's side.


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