java - Is it good practice to Store Age of a Person in Google App Engine? -

i need search through thousands of records of type 'person' , fetch ones, say: age between 25 , 30. practice if store age @ write time , run scheduler update age on every persons bday. scheduler runs everday person having birthday day. know wrong relational database. experienced in gae/j guide me on this.

my proposal might bit off topic, make job simpler.

having non-normalized db schema might make sense use case. believe can achieve without background job.

i'd store dates integers in db:

  • for example 2011-01-01 store: 20110101
  • ...

afterwards you'd between this:

  • let's today 20130810 , search 1 year old people:
    • so you'd end like: between (20110811, 20120810)

the problem you'd between each time search (so no database index involved), if search age intervals anyway, should not hurt queries skip indexes anyway


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