jquery - Slideshow lacks Javascript animation -

i found beautiful website (http://soworldwide.org/) , want create similar slideshow. after i've spend lot of time make work, still can't figure out.

right it's looking this:


wait undtil last picture , can see how slideshow refreshes. can me, same animation theirs?

i'm using same jquery plugin way.

thank in advance.

you're setting top of list-begin image 0 @ same time you're starting animation list-end image. because zindex of list-begin image 3, you're causing list-begin image hide animation of list-end image. recommend dynamically updating zindex each image when animation. slides hidden (by setting top negative value, you're doing), can ignore zindex. before set top 0 next image, set zindex curr 1 , zindex next 0.

edit: figured out using chrome js debugger , liberal use of console.log(). maybe did right things , still couldn't find problem, , needed second set of eyes. if didn't right things, remember: debugger powerful tool.


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