wordpress - Responsive Site works like as on computer -

recently had decided make wordpress website responsive. took non-responsive theme (evolve) , made http://gopuc.com . on website when shorten window website looks great. but, when try use on phone site looks on computer. let me know doing wrong , how fix this.

thanks in advance.

fort making site responsive site please eneter give html , css code in site.


   <title>my cool site huzzah</title>     <?php      if (!$_get['resp'] == 'no') { ?>        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">    <?php } ?>  </head>  <body class="<?php if (!$_get['resp'] == 'no') { echo "resp"; } ?>"> 

and css code

.page-wrap { width: 80%; }  @media (max-width: 600px) {   .resp .page-wrap { width: 100%; } } 

and check site more suggestion regarding responsive theme


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