c - HFONT I am getting from my dialog box is not the one I sent -

i playing raw windows api here. trying pass font dialog during wm_initdialog message , keep using font whenever new child window created inside dialog. not want keep passing hfont created, want retrieve dialog window instead, whenever need it.

so when enter wm_initdialog handler, create font , send dialog using sendmessage(wm_setfont). then, whenever wanted create new child window, thought needed retrieve dialog font, using sendmessage(wm_getfont). handle receive dialog not 1 created, no surprise when use new handle set new control font wrong font.

i destroying font handle when application terminates. bet invalid handle not problem otherwise, in example below, control explicit pass font handle not displaying correct one.

any ideas?

#include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h>  static int_ptr callback dialogproc(     _in_  hwnd   hwnddlg,     _in_  uint   umsg,     _in_  wparam wparam,     _in_  lparam lparam) {     static hfont hfont = null;      switch(umsg)     {         case wm_close:             ::enddialog(hwnddlg, 0);             ::deleteobject(hfont);             return true;          case wm_initdialog:         {             // create our font             hfont = ::createfontw(                 36,                 0,                 0,                 0,                 fw_normal,                 0,                 0,                 0,                 default_charset,                 out_default_precis,                 clip_default_precis,                 cleartype_quality,                 variable_pitch,                 l"tahoma");              // set font dialog font             ::sendmessagew(hwnddlg, wm_setfont, (wparam)hfont, true);              // retrieve dialog font             hfont hfontdialog = (hfont)::sendmessagew(hwnddlg, wm_getfont, 0, 0);              // create 2 child windows             hwnd hwndstatic1 = ::createwindowexw(0, wc_static, l"hfont",       ws_visible | ws_child, 0,  0, 100, 30, hwnddlg, null, 0, 0);             hwnd hwndstatic2 = ::createwindowexw(0, wc_static, l"hfontdialog", ws_visible | ws_child, 0, 50, 100, 20, hwnddlg, null, 0, 0);              // set fonts, using 1 created first 1 ,             // 1 dialog second 1             ::sendmessagew(hwndstatic1, wm_setfont, (wparam)hfont,      true);             ::sendmessagew(hwndstatic2, wm_setfont, (wparam)hfontdialog, true);                          return false;         }     }      return false; }          #include <pshpack2.h> struct dialogtemplate {                    dlgtemplate base;      word menu;     word class;              wchar title[1]; }; #include <poppack.h>   int winapi wwinmain(     __in hinstance     hinstance,     __in_opt hinstance hprevinstance,     __in lpwstr        lpcmdline,     __in int           nshowcmd) {     dialogtemplate dt = {0};     dt.base.style = ds_center | ds_modalframe | ws_popup | ws_caption | ws_sysmenu;     dt.base.cx    = 200;     dt.base.cy    = 200;          return ::dialogboxindirectparamw(         ::getmodulehandle(null),         (dlgtemplate*)&dt, // holy hack, batman! hope ok...         null,         dialogproc,         (lparam)0);  } 

dialogs don't respond wm_setfont. dialog has font defined in template, , if ds_setfont style set propogate child controls on creation. font wm_getfont 1 created based on template.

if want change control fonts after dialog has been created need send them wm_setfont messages individually.

my theory why case: dialog layout based on font size ("dialog units" fraction of font height , average font width). therefore, dialog needs know font upon creation, in order resize , layout controls. changing font afterwards, dialog's point of view, potentially require resize/re-layout , not functionality has been implemented in dialog manager.


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