android - Where can I find the ActionBar OverFlow button icon -

i've been trying create own action bar, in order have 2 actions bars. native 1 on bottom, , custom 1 @ top.

i have overflow (the 3 dots button) button, appears in native action bar, in custom action bar.

so here questions:

  1. is there way put custom action bar on bottom , native 1 on top ?
  2. if answer q1 no, then, there way imitate overflow buttons , behavior ?

i prefer questions 1..

i've been searching the overflow button's icon in drawables - couldn't find it.

i appreciate or direction,

thanks lot!

  1. yes, native 1 @ top, , if disable split-actionbar, there no action bar @ bottom. , of course possible "simulate" actionbar @ bottom of application, creating action-bar-look-a-like manually.

  2. thought answer 1. yes, might useful else:

it's inside android sdk, in platforms/android-xx/data/res/values/style.xml

the overflow menu's style definition:

 <style name="widget.holo.actionbutton.overflow">      <item name="android:src">@android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_dark</item>      <item name="android:background">?android:attr/actionbaritembackground</item>      <item name="android:contentdescription">@string/action_menu_overflow_description</item>  </style> 


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