c - In which cases do we use heapsort? -

in cases heap sort can used? know, heap sort has complexity of lg(n). it's used far less quick , merge sort. when use heap sort , drawbacks?

based on wikipedia article sorting algorithms, appears heapsort , mergesort have identical time complexity o(n log n) best, average , worst case.

quicksort has disadvantage there worst case time complexity of o(n2) (a).

mergesort has disadvantage memory complexity o(n) whereas heapsort o(1). on other hand, mergesort stable sort , heapsort not.

so, based on that, choose heapsort in preference mergesort if didn't care stability of sort, minimise memory usage. if stability required, choose mergesort.

or, more correctly, if had huge amounts of data sort, , had code own algorithms it, i'd that. vast majority of cases, difference between 2 irrelevant, until data sets massive.

in fact, i've used bubble sort in real production environments no other sort provided, because:

  • it's incredibly easy write (even optimised version);
  • it's more efficient enough if data has properties (either small datsets or datasets sorted before added couple of items).

like goto , multiple return points, seemingly bad algorithms have place :-)

(a) and, before wonder why c uses less efficient algorithm, doesn't (necessarily). despite qsort name, there's no mandate use quicksort under covers - that's common misconception. may use 1 of other algorithms.


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