c# - Increase or update amount on Entity Framework -
how can translate this:
insert test (id, amount) values(1, 5) on duplicate key update amount=amount + values(amount)
into entity framework mysql query?
extract logic. explained in manual:
if specify on duplicate key update, , row inserted cause duplicate value in unique index or primary key, update of old row performed. example, if column declared unique , contains value 1, following 2 statements have identical effect:
insert table (a,b,c) values (1,2,3) on duplicate key update c=c+1; // , update table set c=c+1 a=1;
your query says: insert row id 1 , amount 5, if exists, increase amount of row id 1 5.
ms-sql does, far know not support such statement, you'll have work yourself:
public void insertorupdatetest(test input) { var entity = _dbcontext.test.firstordefault(t => t.id == input.id); // if record doesn't exist, create , add dbset<test> tests if (entity== null) { entity= new test(id = input.id); _dbcontext.tests.add(entity); } // increase amount. new entity equal amount, // whereas existing entitiy gets current value updated. entity.amount += input.amount; _dbcontext.savechanges(); }
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