image output in php with header('Content-Type: image/png'); -

i'm using code uotput image not getting error not display image too...

// test image. $fn = '/itunes.png';  // getting headers sent client. $headers = apache_request_headers();   // checking if client validating cache , if current. if (isset($headers['if-modified-since']) && (strtotime($headers['if-modified-since']) == filemtime($fn))) {     // client's cache current, respond '304 not modified'.     header('last-modified: '.gmdate('d, d m y h:i:s', filemtime($fn)).' gmt', true, 304); } else {     // image not cached or cache outdated, respond '200 ok' , output image.     header('last-modified: '.gmdate('d, d m y h:i:s', filemtime($fn)).' gmt', true, 200);     header('content-length: '.filesize($fn));     header('content-type: image/png');    echo file_get_contents($fn); } 

can help?


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