Search data from array in php -

i want data php array , show on same page. how import data php array using search box. code not working properly. th error of code?


var xmlhttp = createxmlhttprequestobject();  function createxmlhttprequestobject(){     var xmlhttp;      if(window.activexobject){         try{             xmlhttp = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");         }catch(e){               xmlhttp = false;         }     } else{         try{             xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest();         }catch(e){               xmlhttp = false;         }     }     if(!xmlhttp)         alert("cant create object hoss!");     else         return xmlhttp;  }  function process(){       if(xmlhttp.readystate==0|| xmlhttp.readystate==4){             food = encodeuricomponent(document.getelementbyid("userinput").value);   "get","foodstore.php?food="+food,true);             xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = handleserverresponse;             xmlhttp.send(null);       }else{          settimeout('process()',1000);        } }  function handleserverresponse(){     if(xmlhttp.readystate==4){          if(xmlhttp.status==200){             xmlresponse = xmlhttp.responsexml;             xmldocumentelement = xmlresponse.documentelement;             message =;             document.getelementbyid("underinput").innerhtml ='<span style="color:blue">'+message+'</span>';             settimeout('process',1000);          }else{             alert('something went wrong!');          }     }   } 


<?php    header('content-type: text/xml');     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>';  echo '<response>';    $food = $_get['food'];    $foodarray = array('tuna','bacon','beef','loaf','ham');    if(in_array($food,$foodarray))       echo 'we have '.$food'!';     elseif($food =='')       echo 'enter food want buy';     else        echo 'sorry don't sell '.$food'!';         echo '</response>';  ?> 


<html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src="foodstore.js"></script> </head> <body onload="process()"> <h3>the foods  </h3> order foods: <input type="text" id="userinput"></input> <div id="underinput"></div> </body> </html> 

how show array data searching search box

i have changed code using jquery simple . can try it.


    <html>     <head>         <script src=""></script>         <script>             $(function()             {                 $("#userinput").keyup(function()                 {                     process();                 });                 $("#userinput").keydown(function()                 {                     process();                 });                  $("#userinput").focus(function()                 {                     process();                 });                 $("#userinput").change(function()                 {                     process();                 });             });              function process() {                 var input_food = $("#userinput").val();                 $.ajax({                     type: "get",                     url: "foodstore.php",                     data: {food: input_food},                     success: function(message)                     {                         $("#underinput").html('<span style="color:blue">' + message + '</span>');                     },                     error: function()                     {                         $("#underinput").html('<span style="color:red">some error occured</span>');                     }                 });             }         </script>     </head>     <body >         <h3>the foods  </h3>         order foods:         <input type="text" id="userinput" ></input>         <div id="underinput"></div>     </body> </html> 


    <?php      if (!empty($_get['food']))     {         $food = $_get['food'];         $foodarray = array('tuna', 'bacon', 'beef', 'loaf', 'ham');         if (in_array($food, $foodarray))             echo "we have " . $food . "!";         elseif ($food == '')             echo "enter food want buy";         else             echo "sorry don't sell " . $food . "!";     }     else     {         echo "enter food want buy";     } ?> 

i think simple if know jquery .and there simple error in php did't escape single quotes in (don't) used double quotes echo statements. copy paste , tell if want or doubt ask.


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