spring - Is it possible to drive the @Size "max" value from a properties file? -

i'm using spring 3.1.1.release. have model following attribute

import javax.validation.constraints.size;  @size(max=15) private string name; 

i validate model in controller running

@requestmapping(value = "/save", method = requestmethod.post) public modelandview save(final model model,                          @valid final myform myform, 

i have "15" value come properties file instead of hard-coded, unclear if that's possible or how done. ideas?

this not possible. constant expression provide value max attribute added @ compile time. there no way change value of annotation @ runtime. setting properties file read therefore not possible

what can instead create , register own validator class has field. example,

public class myvalidator implements validator {      public void validate(object target, errors errors) {         myobject obj = (myobject) target;         int length = getproperties().get("max.size");         if (obj.name.length() > length) {             errors.rejectvalue("name", "string length bigger " + length);         }     }      public boolean supports(class<?> clazz) {         return clazz == myobject.class;     } } 

take @ spring's validation framework.


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