xml - issue assigning ajax response length to a var by jquery -

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i have ajax request send vars on url , gets xml nodes back. ajax works good, in fact can see response when debug firebug... problem when try assign number of nodes var jquery.

this function:

function cargartvalores(){ try{     $.ajax({         url: 'f_func.php?f=g_tv&adm=1',         data: {},         success:function(result){             alert("entro");             var algo = 0;             algo = $(result).find('error').length;             if(algo>=1){                 alert(tostring($(result).find('error').first().text()));                 }         },         error:function(){             alert("error inesperado.");         }     }); }catch(e){     alert("algo paso"); } } 

i know response of ajax this: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><error>no existen tipos de valores en el sistema.</error>

so know length @ least 1 , if put mouse on .length property on firebug shows '1'.

by conclusion think problem on line algo = $(result).find('error').length;

please tell i'm doing wrong , thaks time ;)

pass datatype parameter in ajax call datatype: 'xml'


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