File Upload Module in Apache2 Ubuntu (solved) -

i'm newcomer/hobbyist go easy on me. have searched , experimented quite bit before asking.

system: linux-mint-14-kde (based on ubuntu 12.10)

server: apache2 installed via sudo apt-get install apache2

my goal able allow remote users upload files, via form, directory.

from site:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="fup.cgi">   file upload: <input type="file" name="upfile"><br/>   notes file: <input type="text" name="note"><br/>   <br/>   <input type="submit" value="press"> upload file! </form> 

i added code index.html , form shows ok. when go upload files, returns: the requested url /fup.cgi not found on server.

the apache2 documentation hard follow. /etc/apache2/sites-available added 1 part cgi

<directory /var/www/>     options indexes followsymlinks multiviews execcgi     allowoverride authconfig     order allow,deny     allow </directory> 

am supposed have script file called fup.cgi? doesn't apache2 have modules you?

all want let users upload files , cap them at, say, 5 gb. may turn out hard i'll read , try whatever suggested.


i got work cgi , perl


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