java - Restlet & MULTIPART_FORM_DATA or another way to put files on Google App Engine via Restlet -

i tried receive files via restlet gets complete multipart_form_data. how can extract specific file?

i found code-blocks types of them not available... restlet: how process multipart/form-data requests?

diskfileitemfactory factory = new diskfileitemfactory(); factory.setsizethreshold(1000240);  // 2/ create new file upload handler restletfileupload upload = new restletfileupload(factory); 

my current code:

@put public void handleupload(representation entity) {     if (entity !=null) {         if (mediatype.multipart_form_data.equals(entity.getmediatype(), true)) {             request restletrequest = getrequest();             response restletresponse = getresponse();             httpservletrequest servletrequest = servletutils.getrequest(restletrequest);             httpservletresponse servletresponse = servletutils.getresponse(restletresponse);              try {                 upload2(restletrequest, entity);             } catch (ioexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }  public void upload2(request req, representation entity) throws ioexception {     ...         gcsoutputchannel outputchannel = gcsservice.createorreplace(filename, gcsfileoptions.getdefaultinstance());         objectoutputstream oout = new objectoutputstream(channels.newoutputstream(outputchannel));          copy(entity.getstream(), oout);         oout.close();  

after storing method have , want store content name "picture":

��z------webkitformboundarysovzwkpqyqw7ditu content-disposition: form-data; name="picture"; filename="_mg_4369.jpg" content-type: image/jpeg  ����*exifii* 

as far read parsing of multipart form data isn’t supported yet? there must solution send files via restlet

i tried rest-calls via postman chrome. on multiparts support files. possible solution send image raw-text?

you need add exception handling , deal inputstream , potentially clean of temp files (see diskfileitemfactory docs) basics follows, when using org.restlet.ext.fileupload library.

@put public void handleupload(representation entity) {     list<fileitem> items = new restletfileupload(new diskfileitemfactory())                  .parserepresentation(representation);     (fileitem item : items) {         if (!item.isformfield()) {             mediatype type = mediatype.valueof(item.getcontenttype());             inputstream inputstream = item.getinputstream();         }     } } 

for gae solution try replacing diskfileitemfactory gwtupload.server.memoryfileitemfactory.


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