javascript - google analytics to track goal conversions - re directs -

i using google analytics track goal conversions, using bridge page re directs user affiliate website.

i have question regarding time out before re directs. what's quickest time can set page redirect google can collect analytics goal conversions data?

below code use on bridge page before redirects, it's set to: 1500 - 1 , half seconds delay.

<script type="text/javascript">     settimeout(function(){ window.location = ""; },1500); </script> 

any feedback appreciated.

many paul

you can use analytics events make sure redirect recorded before it's redirected.

//fires after page load addlistener(document, 'load', function() { //sends event page action redirect , value current page   ga('send', 'event', 'page', 'redirect', document.location); //refferes new location after recording action.   window.location = new_location }); 


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