model - columnfamily setup for nested structure cassandra -

i have data nested -

a -> bb (multiple columns name values bb) -> bb -> ccc (multiple columnn name values ccc) -> bb -> ddd (multiple columnn name values ddd) -> cc -> eee (multiple columns name values eee) p -> qq p -> qq -> rrr  p -> qq -> rrr -> ssss -> ttttt...... .... 

for input 'a' , need things under 'a'. input 'bb' things under 'bb' , on.

with no defined limit on nesting, best way model in cassandra. composite column, need know how many nesting levels in advance not sure thats going work out well. i.e. composite column (a:bb:ccc) break if encounter more nested structure.

any suggestions........

have looked using maps/dicts column type? post explains different collection types available in cassandra


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