Batch programming - some questions -

i have problem understanding batch file part of task (sort of hackme). find hard find informations in google, dont know, feel there isnt batch language documentation or soemthing other solid.

my first question, does? possible dont satisfy condition ?

if not "!"=="" ( echo authorization failed! pause>nul exit ) 

secound question, kind of if's ?:

set %1.pass=%2 if "!%1.pass:~5,1!"=="" ( 


if not "!%1.pass:~6,1!"=="" ( 

thank you,


i have read it, doesnt answer questions

you might check out yourself:

@echo off &setlocal if not "!"=="" (echo not equal) else echo equal setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if not "!"=="" (echo not equal) else echo equal  set "property.pass=abcde" echo %property.pass:~0,1% %property.pass:~1,1% %property.pass:~2,1% %property.pass:~3,1% 

output is:

 not equal equal b c d 


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