c# - XNA Content Build Output not refreshed until all content is built -

is there way see realtime logs content being built using xna content pipeline ?

some content take long time process many steps , great feedback going on asset being processed. tried contentprocessorcontext.logger, console.writeline, debug.writeline , tried increase msbuild verbosity (all levels) without success; logs displayed visual studio output window when content has been built.

thanks in advance help.

this works me - context.logger.logimportantmessage(...);

but complex need debug build... 1 way....



the way prefer (actually prefer not have debug content pipeline), when must:

  1. i open new instance of visual studio open file in whichi wish place breakpoint
  2. place break point
  3. attach instance of vs other (proper) instance of vs

when compile/build breakpoint hit

hope helps.


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