javascript - Adding a listener that fires whenever the user changes tab -

i'm creating chrome extension , trying function fire everytime user changes tab. i've been looking @ listeners in webrequest api, , chrome.tabs couldn't figure use, , not use.

the information need tab url.

take @ chrome.tabs.onactivated:

fires when active tab in window changes. note tab's url may not set @ time event fired, can listen onupdated events notified when url set.
google documentation

chrome.tabs.onactivated.addlistener(function(activeinfo) {     chrome.tabs.get(activeinfo.tabid, function (tab) {         mysupercallback(tab.url);     }); });  chrome.tabs.onupdated.addlistener(function(tabid, changeinfo, updatedtab) {     chrome.tabs.query({'active': true}, function (activetabs) {         var activetab = activetabs[0];          if (activetab == updatedtab) {             mysupercallback(activetab.url);         }     }); });  function mysupercallback(newurl) {     // ... } 

it works in background pages (as locercus confirmed in a comment), please consider using event pages (stable since chrome 22) instead.


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