triggers - Automatically create and update one to one relationships in MySQL -

i have web shop (zen-cart)that has inefficient attribute schema. 1 option can used attributes many products. (instead of other way around). have tried use views make things easier, creating new attributes still tedious. have looked changing php-code, difficult. solution multi-lingual, don't need.

the tables following:

tb_products: prod_id  tb_description: prod_id lang_id product_name (t-shirt)  tb_attributes: attr_id prod_id option_id values_id  tb_options: option_id language_id option_name (size & color)  tb_values: value_id option_id language_id value_name (xs red) 

as quick-fix, following:

  1. make additional fields:

    tb_products: product_name option_name [optional - if attributes created] value_concatinator [optional]  tb_attributes: value_name_1 value_concatinator_1 [optional] value_name_2 [optional] value_concatinator_2 [optional] value_name_3 [optional] 
  2. create trigger, when create new row in tb_products, automatically create new row in both tb_description , tb_options, respectively product_name , option name taken tb_products. every time these fields updated in tb_products, must updated in tb_description , tb_options. let option_id same prod_id

  3. when creating new row in tb_attributes, automatically:

    • insert option_id parental product row.
    • create new row in tb_values. value_name concationation of value names , value_concatinators in attributes

    concat(value_name_1, ' ' , value_concatinator_1, ' ', value_name_2, ' ', value_concatinator_2, ' ', value_name_3) tb_attributes

every time these fields updated in tb_attributes, must automatically updated in tb_values

so main object actively update tables tb_products , tb_attributes, , let mysql update other tables every time product or attribute created or updated in new fields mentioned above.

i not sure if triggers answer, or if columns can made automatically updated (and if last solution make problems how columns defined in php-code.

for of make values_names array: how supposed be. doesn't work out quantities, customers can add combinations don't exist. people have spent 1000s of hours trying fix it. no avail. want solution works backoffice-wise, , makes easy me sort etc.

we use filemaker , magneticone normal backoffice activities, mysql workbench changes database. can read php, code complex me change (and professionals make lot of mess when trying upgrade newer versions, due necessary customizations)


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