twig - Symfony, error: An exception has been thrown during the rendering -

the full error getting one.

an exception has been thrown during rendering of template ("some mandatory parameters missing ("id") generate url route "fooblogbundle_articles".") in "fooblogbundle:article:articles.html.twig".

this controller, handles action:

 public function articlesaction($id)     {         $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();             $blog = $em->getrepository('fooblogbundle:blog')->find($id);          if(!$em){             throw $this->createnotfoundexception('unable find blog posti');         }          return $this->render('fooblogbundle:article:articles.html.twig', ['blog'=>$blog]);     } } 

and routing

flickblogbundle_articles:     pattern:  /foo/{id}     defaults: { _controller: fooblogbundle:article:articles }     requirements:       _method:       id: \d+ 

twig , database, normal, no type or problems. error kind of hard spot, have gone wrong.

edit: including template:

{% extends 'fooblogbundle::layout.html.twig' %}  {% block body %} {{ blog.title }}<br/> {{ }}<br/> {{ }}<br/> {{ blog.tags }}<br/> {{ blog.comments }}  {% endblock %} 

the above template located in views/article/ extends templates found @ views/ whic

{% extends 'fooblogbundle::layout.html.twig' %}

in fooblogbundle:article:articles.html.twig template have {{ path(flickblogbundle_articles) }} (can not tell because not see template). route requires additional parameter id. change {{ path(flickblogbundle_articles, {'id'}) }}


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