c - Delete N nodes after M nodes in Linked list -

i wrote c program deleting n nodes after m nodes. can't figure out why not working. using head node rather head pointer. use head node rather head pointer ?

here code :

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node {     int data;     struct node *next; };  struct node* create() {     struct node *head=malloc(sizeof(struct node));     head->next=null;     return head; }  void insert(struct node *head,int x) {     struct node *temp=head;     struct node *new=malloc(sizeof(struct node));     new->data=x;     new->next=null;     while(temp->next!=null)         temp=temp->next;     temp->next=new;  }  void display(struct node *head) {     struct node *temp=head->next;     while(temp!=null)     {         printf("\n%d\n",temp->data);         temp=temp->next;     } }  void skipmdeleten(struct node *head,int m,int n) {     int i;     struct node *cur=head->next;     while(cur)     {printf("djhfj");         for(i=1;i<m,cur!=null;i++)             cur=cur->next;          if(cur==null) return;          struct node *t=cur->next;         for(i=1;i<=n;i++)         {             struct node *temp=t;             t=t->next;             free(temp);         }         cur->next=t;         cur=t;     } }  int main() {     struct node *head=create();     int i;     for(i=1;i<=10;i++)     {         insert(head,i);     }     int m=2,n=2;     skipmdeleten(head,m,n);     display(head); } 

fixes following:

for(i=1;i<m && cur != null;i++) //replace ',' && {     cur=cur->next; } if(cur==null) return;  struct node *t=cur->next; for(i=1;i<=n && t!=null;i++) // check if t reaches end of node. {     struct node *temp=t;     t=t->next;     free(temp); } 


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